Are you a PI (Principal Investigator) looking for support with your proposals or funded projects? Are you wanting to write a full STEM Education Instructional/Research proposal? Looking to add an outreach or STEM Education component? Are you seeking a letter of collaboration, support with project management or budgets? In an effort to alleviate some of the challenges grant PIs face, TSEC is happy to offer our expertise in the areas detailed below.
Explore our Research Services
Organize and lead project meetings with research staff
Facilitate communication with key research project personnel across organizations
Manage communication and scheduling with research participants, including students, teachers, and school admin
Oversee updates to project and center websites and new reporting related to research projects
Assist PIs in writing, formatting, reviewing, and analyzing progress and final reports
Train researchers and assistants in proper equipment use
Develop and track project timelines, milestones, task, dependencies, deliverables, and resources needed
Ensure that all study activities meet current university, state, and federal regulatory guidelines, requirements, and more
Prepare and manage materials for initial and ongoing human subjects review
Develop and maintain study databases and data storage
Prepare equipment for use in research studies
Train researchers and assistants in proper equipment use
Upload, store, log, and track collected data
Coordinated data processing efforts (e.g. transcription, video processing)
Collect and organize consent forms for research projects
Monitor budgets across multiple projects in coordination with the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP)
Serve as a liaison between your project(s) and ORSP